Android Basics in Kotlin
- Unit 3 Navigation
- Codelab Fragments and the Navigation Component
- Codelab Test Navigation Component (> wordsapp)
- Codelab Store data in ViewModel
- Codelab Use LiveData with ViewModel (> unscramble)
- Codelab Shared ViewModel Across Fragments
- Codelab Navigation and the back stack
- Codelab Test ViewModels and LiveData
- Codelab Adaptive Layouts
- Project Lunch Tray app (> lunchtray)
- Unit 4 Connect to the internet
- Unit 5 Data persistence
- Introduction to SQL, Room, and Flow
- Codelab SQL basics (> sqlbasics)
- Codelab Introduction to Room and Flow
- Use Room for data persistance
- Codelab Persist data with Room (> inventoryapp)
- Codelab Read and update data with Room
- Codelab Repository Pattern
- Codelab Preferences DataStore
- Project Forage app (> forage)
- Unit 6 WorkManager